
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Example of Memory Interfacing

Example 1

Consider a system in which the full memory space 64kb is utilized for EPROM memory. Interface the EPROM with 8085 processor.

  • The memory capacity is 64 Kbytes. i.e
  • 2^n = 64 x 1000 bytes where n = address lines.
  • So, n = 16.
  • In this system the entire 16 address lines of the processor are connected to address input pins of memory IC in order to address the internal locations of memory.
  • The chip select (CS) pin of EPROM is permanently tied to logic low (i.e., tied to ground).
  • Since the processor is connected to EPROM, the active low RD pin is connected to active low output enable pin of EPROM.
  • The range of address for EPROM is 0000H to FFFFH.

Example 2

Consider a system in which the available 64kb memory space is equally divided between EPROM and RAM. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • Implement 32kb memory capacity of EPROM using single IC 27256.
  • 32kb RAM capacity is implemented using single IC 62256.
  • The 32kb memory requires 15 address lines and so the address lines A0 - A14 of the processor are connected to 15 address pins of both EPROM and RAM.
  • The unused address line A15 is used as to chip select. If A15  is 1, it select RAM and If  A15  is 0, it select EPROM.
  • Inverter is used for selecting the memory.
  • The memory used is both Ram and EPROM, so the low RD and WR pins of processor are connected to low WE and OE pins of memory respectively.
  • The address range of EPROM will be 0000H to 7FFFH and that of RAM will be 7FFFH to FFFFH.

Example 3

Consider a system in which 32kb memory space is implemented using four numbers of 8kb memory. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • The total memory capacity is 32Kb. So, let two number of 8kb n memory be EPROM and the remaining two numbers be RAM.
  • Each 8kb memory requires 13 address lines and so the address lines A0- A12 of the processor are connected to 13 address pins of all the memory.
  • The address lines and A13 - A14 can be decoded using a 2-to-4 decoder to generate four chip select signals.
  • These four chip select signals can be used to select one of the four memory IC at any one time.
  • The address line A15 is used as enable for decoder.
  • The simplified schematic memory organization is shown.

  • The address allotted to each memory IC is shown in following table.

Example 4

Consider a system in which the 64kb memory space is implemented using eight numbers of 8kb memory. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • The total memory capacity is 64Kb. So, let 4 numbers of 8Kb EPROM and 4 numbers of 8Kb RAM.
  • Each 8kb memory requires 13 address lines. So the address line A0 - A12 of the processor are connected to 13address pins of all the memory lCs.
  • The address lines A13, A14 and A]5 are decoded using a 3-to-8 coder to generate eight chip select signals. These eight chip select signals can be used to select one of the eight memories at any one time.
  • The memory interfacing is shown in following figure.

  • The address allocation for Interfacing 4 no. 8Kb EPROM and 4 no. 8Kb RAM with 8085 is,

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