
Sunday 19 May 2013

UML Diagrams for ATM Machine

Class Diagram for ATM Machine

Use case diagram for ATM Machine

State Diagram for ATM system

State Diagrams for ATM Transaction

Sequence Diagram for ATM Session

Sequence Diagram for PIN verification

UML Diagrams for Hospital Management

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Class Diagram for hospital mgmt

Class Diagram for Hospital mgmt UML

Reception's  state chart diagram for hospital mgmt

Doctor's State Diagram for Hospital mgmt

patient state chart diagram for hospital mgmt

Activity Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Test

Activity Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Treatment and Operation

Activity Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Ward Allocation

Activity Diagram  for Hospital Mgmt Ward Allocation

Activity Diagram for patient payment hospital mgmt

Activity Diagram for doctor appointment hospital mgmt

use case diagram for hospital mgmt

Use Case Diagram for Hospital Mgmt UML

sequence diagram bed allotments hospital mgmt

sequence diagram test appointments hospital mgmt

Sequence Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Test and Operation

Sequence Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Discharge

Collaboration Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Discharge

Collaboration Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Register and Bed Allocation

Collaboration Diagram for Hospital Mgmt Treatment and Operation

Collaboration Diagram for bed allotment hospital mgmt

Collaboration Diagram for test appointments hospital mgmt

Component Diagram for hospital mgmt

Deployment Diagram for hospital mgmt

UML Diagrams for College-School-Course administration

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Activity Diagram for courseware

Class Diagram for courseware

Usecase Diagram for courseware

UML Diagrams for Book Store

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Class Diagram for Book Store

Collaboration Diagram for Book Store

Sequence Diagram for Book Store

Friday 17 May 2013

Summer Skin Care Tips Home Remedies

Summer and skin care tips are words that can’t be spoken in isolation. Summer skin care tips need not burn a hole in your  pocket. Home remedies can be just as good for summer skin care as any expensive product. Just that you need to know your skin type, experiment in moderation and finally find the skin care ingredients that suit you most.

  • Drink at least 15-20 glasses of water to keep yourself hydrated. Other than providing the necessary moisture, it will help flush the toxic content.
  • Tomato: This humble everyday vegetable is one of the most effective skin care home remedies. Being from the citrus family, it lightens tan, blemishes, dark spots and helps achieve an even skin tone. And the best part about tomato is that unlike lemon it doesn’t irritate or dry out certain skin types, especially the sensitive ones. The bottom line – use tomato for glowing skin.
  • Cucumber: It reigns as THE home remedy when talking of summer skin care tips. It hydrates the body when consumed orally and works wonders when applied to the skin topically. One can easily make a Cucumber Toner at home by mixing cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal parts and storing this in a refrigerator. Cucumber hydrates and soothes and also balances out the effect that lemon can sometimes have on sensitive skin.
  • Lemon: Going by the above 2 points you may think that lemon isn’t a great skin remedy but that’s not entirely true. To skin types that don’t react adversely to it, lemon works wonders! It’s not only refreshing but also has anti-microbial properties in addition to acting as a bleaching agent. Cleansing, tan removal and toning – all in one! What better summer skin care tip can a lady ask for!
  • Oats: Healthy as a cereal and a wonderful skin care product. Oatmeal scrub – made by mixing oatmeal with milk and honey  works well for acne prone skins in all weathers, not just summer. It keeps pimples at bay and removes tan too. You may even try mixing oats, tomato juice, honey and curd – all the wondrous kitchen skin care ingredients rolled in together. I’ve tried this myself and I couldn’t praise more!
  • Buttermilk: Yes it’s good to drink but also one of the lesser known but very effective summer skin care tips. Apply it to the face and neck, allow it to dry and wash off with cold water. Or better still, add a cup of buttermilk to your bath to see the effects on the entire body. Very good at tan removal and providing an even skin tone.
  • Aloe Vera: How can I leave out this wonderful herb while writing on summer skin care tips! There is hardly any sunburn remedy that does not use aloe vera. Mix some aloe vera gel with cucumber juice, honey and curd. See the redness and sunburn effect go away in a jiffy!
  • Turmeric / Haldi: The good old turmeric is no less in our list of summer skin care tips. Make a home made scrub using besan (All purpose flour), a pinch of turmeric and milk. Scrub away in circular motion when dry. This scrub not only scrubs away the dead skin cells but with regular use, may also be able to eliminate a few fine facial hair. No wonder this besan-haldi ubtan is still a popular wedding ritual for brides as well as groom.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The World's Tallest Skyscrapers

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Example of Memory Interfacing

Example 1

Consider a system in which the full memory space 64kb is utilized for EPROM memory. Interface the EPROM with 8085 processor.

  • The memory capacity is 64 Kbytes. i.e
  • 2^n = 64 x 1000 bytes where n = address lines.
  • So, n = 16.
  • In this system the entire 16 address lines of the processor are connected to address input pins of memory IC in order to address the internal locations of memory.
  • The chip select (CS) pin of EPROM is permanently tied to logic low (i.e., tied to ground).
  • Since the processor is connected to EPROM, the active low RD pin is connected to active low output enable pin of EPROM.
  • The range of address for EPROM is 0000H to FFFFH.

Example 2

Consider a system in which the available 64kb memory space is equally divided between EPROM and RAM. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • Implement 32kb memory capacity of EPROM using single IC 27256.
  • 32kb RAM capacity is implemented using single IC 62256.
  • The 32kb memory requires 15 address lines and so the address lines A0 - A14 of the processor are connected to 15 address pins of both EPROM and RAM.
  • The unused address line A15 is used as to chip select. If A15  is 1, it select RAM and If  A15  is 0, it select EPROM.
  • Inverter is used for selecting the memory.
  • The memory used is both Ram and EPROM, so the low RD and WR pins of processor are connected to low WE and OE pins of memory respectively.
  • The address range of EPROM will be 0000H to 7FFFH and that of RAM will be 7FFFH to FFFFH.

Example 3

Consider a system in which 32kb memory space is implemented using four numbers of 8kb memory. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • The total memory capacity is 32Kb. So, let two number of 8kb n memory be EPROM and the remaining two numbers be RAM.
  • Each 8kb memory requires 13 address lines and so the address lines A0- A12 of the processor are connected to 13 address pins of all the memory.
  • The address lines and A13 - A14 can be decoded using a 2-to-4 decoder to generate four chip select signals.
  • These four chip select signals can be used to select one of the four memory IC at any one time.
  • The address line A15 is used as enable for decoder.
  • The simplified schematic memory organization is shown.

  • The address allotted to each memory IC is shown in following table.

Example 4

Consider a system in which the 64kb memory space is implemented using eight numbers of 8kb memory. Interface the EPROM and RAM with 8085 processor.
  • The total memory capacity is 64Kb. So, let 4 numbers of 8Kb EPROM and 4 numbers of 8Kb RAM.
  • Each 8kb memory requires 13 address lines. So the address line A0 - A12 of the processor are connected to 13address pins of all the memory lCs.
  • The address lines A13, A14 and A]5 are decoded using a 3-to-8 coder to generate eight chip select signals. These eight chip select signals can be used to select one of the eight memories at any one time.
  • The memory interfacing is shown in following figure.

  • The address allocation for Interfacing 4 no. 8Kb EPROM and 4 no. 8Kb RAM with 8085 is,